on holding space
“We all need a place where we can weep and be held and feel our feelings and figure out how those feelings can direct our next evolution.”
adrienne maree brown
I offer integrative, client-centered, trauma-informed, relational and somatic psychotherapy. I am particularly skilled in the treatment of trauma and dissociation, and specialized in addiction recovery for several years in an outpatient setting before establishing my private practice. Today, I enjoy working with individuals, couples, and constellations who are navigating a broad range of concerns.
Though a vital component to treatment, I aim to go beyond symptom management, working with clients to identify and heal the root causes of their distress. While insight is essential, true transformation comes not just from being aware of how the past has influenced the present, but by processing through the mental, physical, emotional, and neurological remnants of those previous experiences, making it possible to embody new ways of being.
I help clients see themselves and their experiences with care and compassionate curiosity rather than through the lenses of contempt, blame, and shame. I hold space for acceptance, hope, and healing.
We all make perfect sense, and together, we will bring awareness to where you have been, where you are now, and where you want to go. Then, we’ll find a way to get you there, because you deserve to feel joyful and at home in yourself and your life.
As you learn to guide yourself with greater courage, clarity, and confidence, you will be free to change patterns, behaviours, circumstances, and relationships that are no longer serving you. Healing is an ongoing process of learning and unlearning. It is never done, but it does add up. It is my honour to hold space for this unfolding, with the hope that it enables you to live more and more from a place of grounded and authentic desire, intention, and wholeness.
We will work together to fit the therapy to your unique needs and temperament. That being said, the sum of my training and experience as both therapist and client have taught me that the most transformational moments in therapy arise not from the practice of any particular technique, but from the quality of the relationship we co-create together.
Relational Psychotherapy helps clients understand how significant relationships and experiences have shaped their thoughts and feelings about themselves and their ways of being in the world. This approach transforms a client’s sense of self and repatterns outdated relational dynamics through the cultivation of an authentic, right relationship between therapist and client.
Somatic and Sensorimotor modalities are based on the knowledge that the body stores trauma, information, and memory and that prolonged or acute exposure to stress creates changes in our nervous systems that profoundly impact us. These methods integrate body-based techniques with cognitive and emotional processing to develop regulation skills, resolve trauma, and support embodiment.
Intense emotional experiences and trauma often create fragmentation of the personality into different parts of self that were created in the service of survival. Often, these parts become outdated and their adaptive strategies no longer serve us. Identifying and working with these parts results in integration and orientation to the present which expedites emotional processing and healing.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an interactive body-based technique used to accelerate emotional processing and relieve psychological distress. It is a proven and effective treatment for trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), aiding in the creation of new neural pathways and connections that promote nervous system regulation.
Gestalt Psychotherapy helps clients encounter and transform stubborn behaviours and limiting beliefs. It honours old ways of being as creative adaptations and strategies for coping while questioning if those same responses are benefiting the client in the here and now. This awareness-based approach invites experimentation and supports clients in moving towards wholeness.
Challenges in relationships are shaped by attachment styles, historical relationships and experiences, as well as present pressures and dynamics. Therapy for couples and constellations is focused on understanding and communicating expectations, needs, desires, and boundaries; revising emotional responses, positions, and patterns; and promoting intimacy, acceptance, and compassion.
Mindfulness develops awareness without interpretation or judgment and uses the breath and guided imagery to ease the bodymind and reduce stress. Hypnosis promotes a state of deep relaxation which gently bypasses the conscious mind. Hypnotherapy works directly with the subconscious to create new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and feelings.
EFT is an acupressure technique that supports nervous system regulation and emotional processing. Through tapping on specific meridian energy points in the body, you can signal the amygdala (home to the brain’s fight or flight response) that it is safe to relax. This practice can promote shifts in perspective which can result in a sense of relief from distressing emotions and sensations.